Experiential Learning

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle

The Global Programs at RSGC challenge our students to value differences and similarities among people both in our own community, as well as those in the world around us. These programs allow students in Grades 7 through 12 to choose from a selection of experiences that focus on developing caring, cooperative, responsible and engaged global citizens. Students who participate in these global experiences will gain the knowledge, skills and mind-set; to understand the inter-connectedness between local actions and global outcomes.

Through local, national and international hands-on experiences, students become aware of their role in the global village while developing a sensitivity to the needs of others. In doing so, they will be empowered to make choices that are environmentally sound, economically sustainable and socially just.

We are no longer solely Canadian citizens but also Global citizens and as such, our knowledge of global issues as well as our participation on the global stage is essential.

Excursions & Exchanges

List of 6 items.

  • International Service Learning

    RSGC understands the growing importance of preparing its students to participate in issues of development, equity, social and environmental justice. Over the March Break, students in Grades 7 through 12 have the opportunity to travel to another part of the world to immerse themselves in the culture while partnering with local organizations to work alongside community members on a joint project. Each project will determine the focus of the trip. For example, helping to build homes while learning about the importance of breaking the poverty cycle or assisting with construction of a school and learning about the importance of access to education for all children.
  • Student Exchange Programs

    Students may participate in exchanges with RSGC’s partner institution. Exchange programs afford RSGC students unique opportunities to partner with other students from around the world, study and use other languages, and enrich their knowledge of diverse cultures. Many exchange students are impacted not only by the academic life but also by living and learning in a community, an essential aspect of many international programs.

    Paris Language and Cultural Program

    In partnership with OSEF (Organisme de Séjours Éducatifs Francophones), our Grade 10 students have the opportunity to participate in a cultural and linguistic exchange with students from France and Belgium. Our students host their partners from the end of August until the beginning of October, and then travel to Europe from the beginning of February until the end of March (7 weeks total including the March Break). All Canadian exchange participants travel together and begin their experience with a 2-day visit to Paris before continuing on to their exchange partner's home town. Students will attend classes at the host's school and participate in daily life as a member of their partner's family. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to improve their French communication ability, develop their independence as well as create greater global cultural awareness.

    George Watson College in Edinburgh, Scotland Exchange Opportunity 

    Through living and studying in another country, the George Watson College exchange program in Edinburgh, Scotland offers students an opportunity for experiential learning and personal development. The George Watson College exchange program is open to Grade 9 students. RSGC students will host their guests in the fall of their Grade 9 year and then travel to our partner school over March Break. Placements in each location are approximately two weeks in length. 
  • Cultural Exchange Experiences

    Tokai University, Japan: Judo Cultural Exchange

    RSGC has partnered with Tokai University and their sports exchange program, Judo club members and  alumni of Tokai University led by Prof. Toshiaki Hashimoto will perform a Judo demonstration in front of the students and faculty members.  Then there will be a session with Sombo players at Sombo training field at Tokai  University.  "Tokai Judo" could play a great part to enhance the amity between Canada and Japan breaking the language barrier.

    Biarritz, France for Grades 9 & 10 Students

    The French homestay program is designed to immerse students in French language and culture. Students will live in an authentic setting with a French host family, attend conversation classes at a local language school, and participate in excursions to local attractions as well as surf lessons to complement the RSGC French curriculum. While participating on this trip, your son will develop knowledge and application of skills in the following areas: communication, problem solving, flexibility and adaptability, self-direction and responsibility. This program runs every other year in the last 2 weeks of June (next trip in 2020).
  • International Excursions

    Biarritz, France - French Cultural Immersion Trip
    June 13 to June 27, 2020
    Open to students taking Grade 9 or 10 French.

    This cultural immersion trip to Biarritz, in France’s southwest region, will give students the incredible opportunity to enhance their French language skills and learn first-hand about the French culture. Students’ conversational skills will improve as they stay with a host family and take French language classes every morning at a local language school. In the afternoons, students will learn how to surf on one of Europe’s most popular surfing spots. Special cultural excursions will also be organized to St. Jean de Luz and San Sebastian in Spain for students to further explore the beautiful Basque country. 

    Guatemala: Spanish Cultural Immersion Trip
    March 7-15, 2020
    Open to Grade 10-12 students taking Spanish now or who have taken Spanish at RSGC.
    This trip offers students an opportunity to use and expand their Spanish language in a wide variety of activities. Through explorations of Mayan ruins, cross-cultural sharing with Guatemalan students, chocolate making, a visit to a coffee plantation and a hike up Acatenango Volcano, there will be challenges that give each student a sense of accomplishment, while experiencing the beauty of this Central American Country.

    Ireland 2020: Senior Band Performance Tour
    March 7-17, 2020
    Open to students in Grades 9 to 12

    Senior school instrumental music students are invited to travel to Ireland from March 7-17, 2020. The tour will travel throughout Ireland, visiting cities such as Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Blarney, and many more. Along the way, they will have a chance to explore historical and cultural sites throughout the country, such as Blarney Castle and the Cliffs of Moher. Students will participate in a number of musical performances, with opportunities to perform at unique venues and work with other musicians in Ireland.

    Japan 2020:  Experience Judo in Japan
    March 7-15, 2020
    Open to students in Grades 9 to 12

    The focus of this program is to develop a greater understanding of Japanese traditional and modern culture as well as to study about the history of Judo and its influence on Japanese society. In addition, your son will learn the story behind the founding of the largest private educational institution in Japan, Tokai Educational System.   

    Moose Factory 
    March 7-15th, 2020 (Tentative until flights are booked)
    Open to students in Grades 7, 8 and 9

    This experience combines the unique natural history of the James Bay Lowlands with the colourful cultural and human history of the aboriginal and early European inhabitants. Moose Factory is the oldest English speaking settlement in Ontario with a rich history of the fur trade and the Hudson’s Bay Company. The area is home to the Cree First Nation that have worked hard to maintain their local customs and traditions. Participants can expect programming and spending time with local people while in the Moose Factory community that encourage experiential learnings and will leave the participants with a better understanding of and connection to our Native Canadian Culture. This experience has the opportunity to enrich participants understanding of First Nations people and the history of the Moose Factory and Moosonee area. Cultural sensitivity and awareness of local customs is a key component of this program.
  • Outdoor Education

    Grade 3 & 4: Independence and Belonging

    The outdoor experience for Grades 3 and 4 takes place throughout the whole school year. The Students experience four out-of-city excursion days, exploring skills such as orienteering, team building, creating art using nature, cross-country skiing and survival skills. Within the city, the students engage in lessons with the Pine Project to explore the urban wilderness. The students engage in experiential learning connected to the Ontario Science Curriculum.

    Grade 5 & 6: Building Confidence and Venturing Out

    The Grade 5 and 6 outdoor experience takes place in February at Camp Wanakita. The trip focuses on students learning to be comfortable away from home and deepening their sense of independence and belonging at the school. The students develop teamwork skills and confidence while growing their appreciation winter through a variety of activities. Throughout the year, the students work with the Pine Project to explore the urban wilderness. The students engage in experiential learning connected to the Ontario Science Living Systems Curriculum. 

    Grade 7: Community Building

    The Grades 7 outdoor experience takes place in September at Camp Onondaga. Since Grade 7 is an entry point for many students, an emphasis on community is essential. Through a variety of camp activities, the focus of this trip is to have the boys work together and interact with their new peer group.

    Grade 8: Leadership Building

    The Grades 8 attend Camp Wanakita in February alongside the Grade 5 and 6s. The students explore a variety of winter camp activities and act as leaders to the Grade 5 and 6s. Grade 8 students have the opportunity to select different leadership roles and build on their roles as the leaders of the Junior school, developing relationships that span their time at the school.  

    Grade 9: Community Building

    The Grade 9 outdoor experience takes place during the first week of school at Camp Arowhon. Though many begin the week as strangers, after a week of team-building activities, shared meals and community-building workshops, students return to school with new connections and new friends. This trip serves as a foundation of the group journey on which the students are embarking for the next four years.

    Grade 10: Self Discovery and Skill Development

    The Grade 10 outdoor experience takes place at the end of January. There are two options from which students may select: a four-day dog sledding trip in Algonquin Park or a four-day winter skills adventure at Camp Wanakita. This program allows students to explore their personal interests. It creates opportunities for students to challenge themselves and develop skills they may draw from when contributing to the school community.

    Grade 11: Personal Adventure and Leadership Development

    The Grade 11 outdoor experience takes place in early April at Strathcona Park Lodge on Vancouver Island, BC. The focus of the trip is in recognizing moments when leadership is needed and the different styles of leadership in varied contexts. The expectation is that all students will come to recognize the leadership strengths they possess and grow in their confidence in using them as they move into their final year, becoming the senior leaders in the school.

    High School Leaders

    Students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 have the opportunity to return to camp with younger students in a leadership capacity.  The leaders take on the leadership of a cabin and participate in all of the experiences at camp. To prepare for this experience, the students attend a Weekend Leadership workshop at YMCA Wanakita Camp and must complete an interview process.
  • The Great Outdoor Adventure Club

    The Great Outdoor Adventure Club endeavours to spend time outdoors, participating in many activities, such as hiking and canoeing.

Outdoor Education

The Great Outdoor Adventure Club